Lynne is our Overnight Extraordinaire! Reading a book years ago where the character lived a life as a gypsy traveling the world, it sparked the idea of sitting! This gypsy Lynne read about afforded opportunities to travel to amazing places all by staying in homes around the world, caring for the owners’ pets while they were away. Lynne’s calm spirit and abundance of love and care makes her an amazing house guest and pet sitter. She will leave your home cleaner then when you left it! All of our dogs adore her and she them.
- Favorite Food: Greek and Italian
- Favorite Toy: My Kindle
- Favorite Past Time: Traveling and going to concerts and the theatre
- Naughtiest Deed: I don’t kiss and tell!
- Pet Peeves: Getting lost…fortunately it doesn’t happen often!
- Known Accomplices: They know who they are.